Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wow! Thanks again Apple!

So after a lot of thought I decided to upgrade to the new iPhone 3GS. I could upgrade without paying the early-upgrade penalty, and really need to be able to test with all the different devices.

Waiting at the store seeing the various displays and things, I thought "Wouldn't it be cool if they had one of our icons." Next thing I see is our FTP On The Go icon! At the end of the promo video running in every AT&T and Apple store. It's only there for a few seconds, but it is an obvious one "installed" on the iPhone at the end, not just one of the flyby icons (it's possible another might be in those, we'll have to do a frame-by-frame view to see.)

I filmed it with the new iPhone, and uploaded to YouTube sitting in the car in the parking lot.

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